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Launch These 3 Tactics in 2022 to Bring Wellbeing Into Your Employer Brand

Updated: Jan 13, 2022

Employee care is a focal point of culture strategy. All-encompassing wellbeing programs are table stakes now. Workers are seeking employers who invest in personalization and promote support for mental health and flexibility.

Top talent will choose employers who are profoundly transparent when it comes to well-being.

Starting last year, employers who did not take a stance on wellbeing lost major ground in terms of reputation in the external talent market. With an overwhelming drive toward innovation, burnout is a huge concern. 47% of McKinsey survey respondents felt that the lack of a clear vision about hybrid work at their company was a cause for concern. The latest edition of McKinsey Quarterly is calling out a new pandemic-driven phenomenon as "The Great Exhaustion".

Employer brand strategy will weight positioning on well-being more heavily than ever. The narrative will lean into mental health and burnout.

"I need to know I won't burn out."

This is one of the top concerns for job seekers right now. Mental health has been a topic of conversation throughout the pandemic and it's highlighted how little companies understand their employees' psychological needs in the workplace.

Going into 2022, organizations will be called upon to enter open dialogue with their employees and candidates about how they support mental health and fight burnout.

Gather These Insights

Calibrate your EVP against your wellbeing offer. Pay attention to employees and candidates' perceptions of mental health, specifically. Evolve your EVP based on your findings.

Leaders will exercise more vulnerability on external platforms, engaging in open and honest advocacy about support for well-being at their companies.

A different kind of vulnerability

Conversations around being vulnerable at work continue, and they are mostly directed at executives. Going into the post-pandemic world, leaders will be called upon to tap into "radical candor" to promote psychological safety at work. This will come to life though advocacy and thought leadership.

Fostering human connection and bolstering social enterprise will also be in focus.

Launch this initiative

Engage your executive champions to partner on creating thought leadership content about wellbeing at your organization -transparent sharing of personal experiences should be a critical strategic lever here.

Candidates will seek to understand more about working models at their target organizations. Employers need a strong, definitive position on the 'way we work.'

Own your working model

Hybrid and remote work is here to stay. But, many employers find themselves trying to adjust permanently to a situation many thought was temporary. How your employees work is critical to cultural sustainment. Clarity on your model is essential to grounding your employees in a sense of professional wellbeing. Companies that have not taken a position on the new world of work need to, and fast.

Create this Content

Gain a deep understanding of your company's working model. Tell the story through your employer brand, in job descriptions and on your career site to promote full transparency in candidate experience.

Get 5 more employer brand predictions AND tips & thought-starters for your strategy when you sign up to receive the Drift 2022 Employer Brand White Paper.


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